27 April 2024

American Institute for Growth Community

Join American Institute for Growth and become a leader for job creation through free enterprise and entrepreneurship.

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Join American Institute for Growth today, a leading advocate for job creation through free enterprise and entrepreneurship!

Join Us Today

The American Institute for Growth (JCA) is adding more members who are committed to the defense of free enterprise and entrepreneurship. Thanks to the generous support of the AIFG Community, we are able to continue to ensure that the voice of the small business owner is heard in the national debate over job creation. 

Become a Friend of American Institute for Growth, or join us as a Member. Both are great ways to show your support, so choose the one that’s right for you.

Two Ways to Join the American Institute for Growth Community: 

Become a Friend of American Institute for Growth

Join thousands of like-minded individuals across the nation in the American Institute for Growth community. Stay informed on the key economic and jobs-related issues of the day and on the progress of the national American Institute for Growth campaign.

You can become a Friend of American Institute for Growth by joining our community.  A contribution is not required. However, if you would like to make a contribution the recommended level for Friends of American Institute for Growth starts at $50.00.  You may contribute using one of the methods below:

  • Use our secure Contribution Form  
  • Mail a contribution - Mail check or money order to:
    American Institute for Growth
    1700 Pacific Avenue, Suite 3640
    Dallas, Texas 75201
  •  Donate stock or wire transfer - Call (214) 624-1185 or email contribute@jobcreatorsalliance.org to get information and procedures.

If you have questions about giving a tax-deductible gift please email contribute@jobcreatorsalliance.org.

Become a CEO Member of American Institute for Growth

Members play a more active role in the American Institute for Growth.

Members have an opportunity to make a difference by speaking out as a AIFG spokesperson to educate the public and help shape the national agenda by promoting policies that will encourage investment, stop the migration of jobs overseas, empower small businesses to hire, and facilitate the upward mobility of our middle class.

For information on becoming a CEO Member of American Institute for Growth, please contact AIFG Communication Director Trey Garrison at (214) 624-1185 or tgarrison@jobcreatorsalliance.org 

Our Campaign

American Institute for Growth takes those issues that are most important to our members and brings them to the forefront of the public policy debate. Our team provides research support to our members for press statements, op-ed pieces, speeches and interviews.

The American Institute for Growth team has placed our Members in every type of media, to advocate for the free enterprise system.