2 May 2024

Life Is Short But Retirement Can Last For Years

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Too many people believe they won't live very long and base retirement plans on short life-expectancies or the assumption that retired people are couch potatoes and don't need to spend much. These assumptions are dead wrong for active and relatively healthy people. They lead to bad decisions about Social Security, savings and spending — leading to impoverished and inactive elderly lives.

The elderly with enough resources often have active social, sports and travel lives. They are not couch potatoes.  Those of our elderly friends with enough resources vacation in Hawaii, Palm Desert and Scottsdale. Some take adventure cruises. Some work on with antique cars. They go to plays and professional ballgames. These activities often require ample savings.

We see the other side too. The "retirement" on welfare is far from comfortable. There is constant financial stress from utility bills, car issues and increasing food prices. Medicaid doesn't cover their drug copayments, a dental appointment, an audiologist or an eye doctor — needs which seem to increase each year. Even more stressful is the inability to help one of their adult children who has lost a job, become disabled or is divorced with young children.

Short life-expectancies or work layoffs lead many to take Social Security as early as possible. The benefits for delaying Social Security are so high that prudent people should consider starting later even if it costs the majority of their savings to support the delay. Delaying from 62 to 66 increases Social Security income by 33% plus inflation — even more by continuing to work. Social Security payments are 76% higher if delayed till 70.

The so-called break-even death age is about 81. That's the age where it theoretically doesn't make much difference when a single person started Social Security. That was the average (unisex) life-expectancy in 1960. Improved medical care has extended life-expectancy to current values of 86.7 for a woman and 84.4 for man. Longer retirement years increases the need for Social Security because it is the least expensive longevity insurance available.

The Social Security break-even age for a couple doesn't have much meaning. That's because the break-even age for a couple depends on who-dies-when as well as the survivor benefits. A surviving spouse generally gets 100% of the worker’s basic benefit amount unless the survivor takes Social Security before the survivor's full-retirement-age. And spousal benefits may be larger if the primary earner is employed additional years.

Planning on a short retirement life ends up with overspending early in retirement, a complaint often cited by elderly retirees, widows and widowers. You have to remember that life-expectancy is an average age to die — 50% will live longer. You are likely to be in the group that lives longer if you don't smoke, exercise, live in a low crime area, etc.

Whether you are healthy or not, go to the Internet and use a retirement planning program which allows you to enter delayed Social Security, long-term-care, and if married, spousal and survivor's benefits. You can get additional insight from a fee-only professional planner who can also help you with investment advice, health insurance and estate planning.

Click here to access the full article on MarketWatch.com

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