5 July 2024

CalPERS to Exit Hedge Funds

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The largest U.S. public pension plan is getting out of hedge funds as part of an effort to simplify its assets and reduce costs, a retreat that could prompt other cities and states to consider similar moves. The California Public Employees' Retirement System said Monday it would shed its entire $4 billion investment in hedge funds over the next year.

The pension known by the abbreviation Calpers, which manages $298 billion in investments and benefits for 1.6 million current and retired police officers, firefighters and other public employees, is a bellwether for investment trends at other public plans. Any shift it makes will likely influence others because of its size and history as an early adopter of alternatives to stocks and bonds.

Many public pension plans have been discussing how much risk to take in their portfolios as they face billions in unfunded obligations to workers.

The dramatic exodus at Calpers follows a review of the hedge-fund portfolio that began in March, following the death of former chief investment officer Joseph Dear. Calpers officials began raising questions about whether hedge funds are too complicated or can effectively counterbalance poorly performing equities during a market crash, said people familiar with the situation. The fund hasn't yet selected a permanent successor to Mr. Dear.

Public pensions began wading into hedge funds roughly a decade ago as they sought to boost long-term returns and close the gap between assets and future obligations to retirees. Hedge funds typically bet on and against stocks, bonds or other securities, often using borrowed money. Because of their relative complexity, hedge funds also charge higher fees than other money managers.

The move into hedge funds was part of a larger embrace of so-called alternative investments, including private equity and real estate, as pension officials hoped bigger investment gains would help them avoid extracting bigger contributions from employees or reducing benefits for current or future retirees. Many hedge funds dropped less than then overall market during the financial crisis.

The decision, according to Calpers, wasn't based on the performance of the program, which earned 7.1% during a fiscal year when all of Calpers returned 18.4%. Calpers expects to report that it paid out $135 million in hedge funds fees during the year ending June 30, 2014, up from $115 million the year before.

The Wall Street Journal reported last month that Calpers was considering retreating broadly from riskier assets, including hedge funds. Bloomberg News earlier Monday reported Calpers's decision to exit hedge funds. Other pensions also are debating whether to avoid hedge funds altogether.

The second-largest U.S. public pension, the California State Teachers' Retirement System, will be evaluating its hedge-fund investments at the end of this year following a three-year experiment in which it allocated $700 million to such strategies. It was the first foray into such investments, and in the last year its gain from hedge funds was 0.13%, lowest among all asset classes in the fund.

The reconsideration of hedge funds as an investment option hasn't yet produced dramatic shifts inside all funds. Some big public pensions say they are holding firm on their commitments or increasing their allocations as they worry about how stocks will perform in a future downturn. About half of the U.S. public pensions still have some sort of hedge fund investment, according to data tracker Preqin.

But hedge-fund allocations began dropping in the years following a 2011 peak, according to data compiled by the Wilshire Trust Universe Comparison Service, while the average amount committed to private equity, by comparison, is still climbing. Stocks and bonds are still the dominant investments for all public pensions.

Average public-pension gains from hedge funds were 3.6% for the three years ending March 31 as compared with a 10.9% return from private-equity investments, a 10.6% return from stocks and 5.7% from fixed-income investments, according to a review of public pensions with more than $1 billion in assets conducted by Wilshire.

Click here to access the full article on The Wall Street Journal. 

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